103 Theology programs found
- Online Degrees
- Theology
103 Theology programs found
American International Theism University
Doctoral Program in Islamic Studies
- Englewood, USA
Full time, Part time
1 year
Distance Learning, On-Campus
International conflicts, especially those that stem from the clash of civilizations, are due to the ideology or way of thinking that controls the minds of the decision-makers who imagine that the world should proceed within the framework of the clash of civilizations.
Breyer State Theology University
Doctorate in Christian Counseling
- Online
Full time
1 year
Distance Learning
The objective of our Doctorate in Christian Counseling is to further your education in the counseling field. Attaining this prestigious level of education will no doubt allow you to counsel your patients with confidence but also educate those eager to learn how to counsel as well.
Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
Doctor of Ministry
- Deerfield, USA
Full time, Part time
18 months
Blended, On-Campus
The TEDS Doctor of Ministry program invites men and women to step deeper into developing advanced ministry skills. It emphasizes continuous spiritual growth and formation, devotion to Christ, and the ability to think biblically and strategically about the issues facing our community and world.
Atlantic International University
Doctorate in Theology
- Honolulu, USA
- Online USA
Full time, Part time
Distance Learning
The Doctor of International Business objective is to help students to pursue an academic career in a university rather than teaching them the required skills to manage people in a multinational corporation.
Charles University Protestant Theological Faculty
PhD in Practical and Ecumenical Theology and Theological Ethics
- Prague, Czech Republic
Full time, Part time
4 years
Blended, On-Campus
The purpose of doctoral studies in the field of Practical and Ecumenical Theology and Theological Ethics is for students to cultivate, in the usual way for advanced studies, their ability to think theologically and to deepen their knowledge of the theological tradition in its ecumenical, practical, and ethical dimensions on an expert level. Students learn to critically analyze and reflect on the knowledge acquired and methods used in their field and to interpret them both in their own specific contexts and in the interdisciplinary settings of contemporary scholarly knowledge. Depending on the subject of their dissertation project, their studies are focused on the relevant specialization in the field of ecumenical or practical theology (for example, homiletics, catechetics, poimenics, practical ecclesiology, hymnology, or missiology), or on theological ethics or Christian social work (diaconia). At the same time, however, they retain the appropriate breadth of vision and interdisciplinary orientation that pertains to all branches of theology.
Christian Leadership University
Doctor of Theology (Online)
- Orlando, USA
Full time, Part time
Distance Learning
Are there any theological truths that you embrace as accurate but which you do not see manifest in your life? Do you want to go beyond a merely intellectual faith? Knowledge without revelation and the release of faith to have the truth realized through experience keeps truth unproven and mere theory. Are you ready to move your theology out of your head and into your life? If so, then a Doctoral Degree in Theology from Christian Leadership University is exactly what you’ve been searching for.
Selinus University of Sciences and Literature
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Religions
- Ragusa, Italy
24 months
Distance Learning
This programme explores the major religious traditions in the world, including Hinduism and Buddhism, the religions of China and Japan, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The student should focus on the academic study of religion, with particular attention to: common dimensions of religious experience; the interplay between religion and culture; the theoretical analysis of religious belief and experience; religious expression in myth, ritual, symbol and social organization; religious responses to archetypal problems of human experience.
Azusa Pacific University
Doctor of Ministry (DMin)
- Azusa, USA
- San Diego, USA
Full time
3 years
Spanish, English, Kanuri
We will help you graduate prepared for practical and effective ministry so you can transform the world with Christ. You will focus on growing specific skills for spiritual formation and ministerial leadership, bringing theory and practice to application in ministry. You will develop a theology of spirituality by integrating knowledge of Scripture, history, and related disciplines in the humanities and behavioral sciences.
Goldsmiths, University of London
MPhil/PhD Religious Studies
- London, United Kingdom
Full time, Part time
Goldsmiths is an exciting space for postgraduates, with numerous international speakers passing through, a huge range of interdisciplinary seminars and reading groups and a very open and warm environment for the exchange of ideas.
EUCLID (Euclid University)
PhD in Inter-Religious Dialogue and Diplomacy / Interfaith Studies
- Washington, USA
- Gambia Online, Gambia
Full time, Part time
2 years
Distance Learning
A specialized online Ph.D. offered by an intergovernmental university with recognized expertise in interfaith studies.
University of Johannesburg
PhD in Biblical Studies
- Johannesburg, South Africa
Full time, Part time
3 years
The DLitt et Phil (Biblical Studies) program is a research program, comprising predominantly theoretical work, and normally does not require work-based learning or vocational training. The Doctoral program is by nature an advanced specialization in either OT or NT (or both), building on the specialization level already reached on the Master’s level.
University of Otago
PhD - Doctor of Philosophy in Theology
- Christchurch, New Zealand
Full time
3 years
The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is the highest degree offered by the University of Otago. It is awarded on the submission of a thesis which must meet rigorous standards. It requires highly developed academic ability, independence and perseverance. Most students take between 3-4 years of full-time study to complete their PhD.
Carey Theological College
Doctor of Ministry
- Vancouver, Canada
Full time
3 years
Distance Learning
The Doctor of Ministry (D.Min) program is an advanced degree for experienced pastoral leaders who have completed a Master of Divinity or equivalent. This program is based upon solid evangelical, biblical and theological foundations and is designed to help ministry practitioners engage in thoughtful and intentional theological reflection through a professional learning community while remaining rooted in their ministry context.
University of Latvia
PhD Theology and Religious Studies
- Riga, Latvia
Full time
3 years
The doctoral study programme “Theology and Religious Studies” offers its students to learn the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills to do independent research. Together with academic staff students can participate in research projects and giving lectures. The study programme also offers the opportunity to take part in processes that are connected with research and its communication to wider society – international and national conferences, lectures of guest lecturers, seminars of dissertation themes and also science popularization events. In this study programme, the important tendencies in theology and religious research are taken into account focusing its theoretical aspects on the globalised character of religious phenomena. Special attention during seminars is given to the methodology of research and the writing and publishing process of publications. Successfully graduating from this programme, PhD candidates will be prepared for work in academic and other research institutions, as well as they will be able to work as high-level professionals outside of the academic environment. Within this study programme, there will be a common module with the doctoral programme of Theology and Religious Studies School in Tartu University.
Africa International University
Doctor of Philosophy in Theological Studies
- Nairobi, Kenya
Full time
3 years
The Ph.D. in Theological studies recognizes that most of the challenges facing the church in Africa – and beyond – are theological in nature.
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PHD Programs in Online Degrees Theology
Although some people study theology to prepare for a particular religious order, others study it to understand the divine. Through reviewing religious and philosophical beliefs throughout history, students can gain a better grasp not only on each of the specific traditions but also on people’s beliefs in general.