24 Religious Studies programs found
- Online Degrees
- Theology
- Religious Studies
24 Religious Studies programs found
Charles University Protestant Theological Faculty
PhD in Philosophy of Religion
- Prague, Czech Republic
Full time
4 years
Blended, On-Campus
English, German
The purpose of doctoral studies in the field of Philosophy of Religion is for students to cultivate, in the usual way for advanced studies, their ability to examine, using philosophical tools and approaches, religious phenomena and issues relating to the religious dimension of human culture, including theological thought and its traditions. Students learn to reflect critically on these approaches and their results and to interpret them both in their specific context and within the framework of current academic knowledge. In direct connection with its multidisciplinary nature, this study program develops the skills necessary for analyzing complex issues, and students learn to combine various specialist perspectives and discourses in evaluating specific findings and testing hypotheses, while at the same time ensuring that the methods used are appropriate, the thinking is precise, and complex or controversial problems are expressed clearly. The study program not only leads to the acquisition of expert knowledge and skills, but also develops the ability to understand views, concepts, teachings and theories that are non-traditional or differ from one’s own, cultivates argumentative approaches to critical debate, and refines the ability to evaluate oneself and to formulate one’s own opinion or position.
Christian Leadership University
Doctor of Biblical Studies (Online)
- Orlando, USA
Full time, Part time
Distance Learning
Some Christian colleges and even Bible schools may be content with teaching from excerpts and selected passages of the Scriptures. Wouldn’t you rather receive the whole counsel of God by meditating on every single Book? Don’t you want to see what kind of transformation God will bring to your life if you meditate on and receive revelation from the entire Word, from Genesis to Revelation? If so, then a Doctor of Biblical Studies from Christian Leadership University is exactly what you’ve been searching for.
Selinus University of Sciences and Literature
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Religions
- Ragusa, Italy
24 months
Distance Learning
This programme explores the major religious traditions in the world, including Hinduism and Buddhism, the religions of China and Japan, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The student should focus on the academic study of religion, with particular attention to: common dimensions of religious experience; the interplay between religion and culture; the theoretical analysis of religious belief and experience; religious expression in myth, ritual, symbol and social organization; religious responses to archetypal problems of human experience.
Goldsmiths, University of London
MPhil/PhD Religious Studies
- London, United Kingdom
Full time, Part time
Goldsmiths is an exciting space for postgraduates, with numerous international speakers passing through, a huge range of interdisciplinary seminars and reading groups and a very open and warm environment for the exchange of ideas.
EUCLID (Euclid University)
PhD in Inter-Religious Dialogue and Diplomacy / Interfaith Studies
- Washington, USA
- Gambia Online, Gambia
Full time, Part time
2 years
Distance Learning
A specialized online Ph.D. offered by an intergovernmental university with recognized expertise in interfaith studies.
Graduate Theological Union
Doctorate in Jewish Studies
Students in this concentration study Jewish history, culture, and literature from antiquity until the present.
Africa International University
Doctor of Philosophy in Theological Studies
- Nairobi, Kenya
Full time
3 years
The Ph.D. in Theological studies recognizes that most of the challenges facing the church in Africa – and beyond – are theological in nature.
California Institute of Integral Studies
Ph.D. in Ecology, Spirituality, and Religion
- San Francisco, USA
Full time
4 years
Distance Learning
CIIS’ Ecology, Spirituality, and Religion Ph.D. offers a nurturing community engaged in revitalizing relationships to Earth while exploring the intersections of world religions, Indigenous traditions, eco-spirituality, eco-justice, and eco-feminism.
Graduate Theological Union
Doctorate in Religion and Literature
Students in this concentration study literature, literary theory, and religious studies, paying special attention to the intersections among these disciplines.
Boston University School of Theology
Doctor of Ministry (DMin)
- Boston, USA
Full time
5 years
Blended, Distance Learning
The Doctor of Ministry degree (DMin) is a professional doctoral degree meant to enrich religious leaders in traditional and non-traditional settings, deepen their understanding of and commitment to ministry, and refine its practice. The focus of the Boston University DMin is Transformational Leadership, and anyone can become a transformational leader.
Trinity Bible College
Ph.D. Practical Theology
- Ellendale, USA
Full time
Trinity's PhD Practical Theology is a research degree affording candidates a range of subject options over a wide spectrum of study fields.
Pontifex University
Doctor of Theology
- Atlanta, USA
Pontifex University's Doctor of Theology (Th.D.) program is a research degree with the focus being the completion and defense of a scholarly dissertation of between 50,000 and 80,000 words if a first graduate dissertation, or at the discretion of the administration, proportionately shorter for a second or subsequent dissertation. This program is 100% online and home study. There is no residential requirement. Even the dissertation defense can be done via video conferencing.
Yuin University
PhDTh – Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Theology
- Compton, USA
Full time
The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Theology program at the School of Theology is a 60-unit (four-year) program designed to prepare students with unusual promise and academic ability to teach in colleges theological schools and for professional leadership in the church and society.
Pontifical University Of The Holy Cross
Doctorate in Church Communication
- Rome, Italy
English, Spanish, Italian
The third cycle is a specialized research track mainly targeted to those who wish to teach and do university research.
Newburgh Theological Seminary & College Of The Bible
Earned Doctor of Divinity
- Evansville, USA
Newburgh Theological Seminary offers an opportunity for select ministers to participate in an earned Doctor of Divinity degree program. This tract of study is for the mature minister who has a proven track record of ministry service. This degree provides a specialized area of study that leads to the prestigious Doctor of Divinity degree.
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PHD Programs in Online Degrees Theology Religious Studies
Religious studies will often focus on Judaism, Islam, Christianity and Buddhism. Students may develop a deeper understanding of each one, as well as how they have affected social movements, literature, wars, culture and the arts.