Facts and Figures
Rate of Employability
- The rate of employability of NOVA NSPH Masters is higher than 85%.
- NOVA NSPH phD students have 100% of employability rate.
- One year after the completion of a NOVA NSPH Master Course' students often becase "self-employed” (+21% vs the previous year).
Innovation and Entrepreneuship
- Around 1/3 of Masters and PhD’s have some type of involvement with innovation and entrepreneurship initiatives. These activities include maintenance of a pre-existing family businesses and the creation of new companies.
- PhD’s involved in entrepreneurial initiatives are especially geared to the creation of new products and/or services.
International Students
88 Foreign students from 24 Nationalities
8% of revenues from international sources
This information is based on OBIPNOVA – Observatory for Professional Insertion of NOVA University of Lisbon Graduates data, that follows of NOVA National School of Public Health students' (graduates, masters and PhD’s), during 10 years after its degree.