PHD Programs in Czech Republic 2025
Charles University Protestant Theological Faculty
PhD in Practical and Ecumenical Theology and Theological Ethics
- Prague, Czech Republic
Full time, Part time
4 years
Blended, On-Campus
The purpose of doctoral studies in the field of Practical and Ecumenical Theology and Theological Ethics is for students to cultivate, in the usual way for advanced studies, their ability to think theologically and to deepen their knowledge of the theological tradition in its ecumenical, practical, and ethical dimensions on an expert level. Students learn to critically analyze and reflect on the knowledge acquired and methods used in their field and to interpret them both in their own specific contexts and in the interdisciplinary settings of contemporary scholarly knowledge. Depending on the subject of their dissertation project, their studies are focused on the relevant specialization in the field of ecumenical or practical theology (for example, homiletics, catechetics, poimenics, practical ecclesiology, hymnology, or missiology), or on theological ethics or Christian social work (diaconia). At the same time, however, they retain the appropriate breadth of vision and interdisciplinary orientation that pertains to all branches of theology.
University of Veterinary Sciences
Ph.D. in Food Hygiene and Processing Technology
- Brno, Czech Republic
Full time, Part time
4 years
The doctoral study program Food Hygiene and Processing Technology is an academically focused study program, corresponding to the current state and level of science and the needs of practice in Europe. Graduates of the doctoral study Food Hygiene and Processing Technology gained in-depth theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired during independent creative activity and the acquisition of new scientific knowledge in the field of study. Graduates can share actively their knowledge in the field of study at the international level and publicly. Based on this qualification, graduates are mainly employed at research institutions and universities.
VSB - Technical University of Ostrava
PhD in Control of Machines and Processes
- Ostrava, Czech Republic
Full time, Part time
4 years
PhD in Control of Machines and Processes study program Control of Machines and Processes is focused on the control of machines and the control of processes. As a machine, you can imagine different production equipment and its subsystems, just as their grouping, it can be a robot, autonomous systems or mechatronic systems.
Technical University of Liberec
PhD in Nano and Microtechnology
- Liberec, Czech Republic
Full time
4 years
Nano and microtechnologies are rapidly growing interdisciplinary fields that deal with a variety of synthetic and naturally occurring materials at the nano and micro dimensions. The large surface area to volume ratio of these materials enables revolutionary advances in almost all areas of research.
European Institute of Applied Science and Management
Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)
- Prague, Czech Republic
Part time
12 months
Distance Learning
The Doctor of Business Administration is a professional doctorate awarded on the basis of advanced study, examinations, project work, and research in business administration. Along with the academic Ph.D., it represents the highest professional qualification in business administration and besides business and entrepreneurship is also useful to gain employment as a full-time, tenure-track university professor or postdoctoral researcher in the field.
Charles University Faculty of Pharmacy
PhD in Bioorganic Chemistry
- Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic
Full time
4 years
Blended, On-Campus
Postgraduate study in Bioorganic Chemistry serves for the education of chemical experts with an emphasis on the structure and functions of small organic molecules in living organisms and on the possibility of influencing biological processes in these organisms through the action of such molecules. The program is thus directed towards the study of all aspects of organic compounds, which are indispensable for the structure and functioning of living organisms. The broad spectrum of these compounds includes molecules with a building (primary metabolites) function, signaling function, activating or deactivating function in relationship to strategic proteins within the living organisms, and also compounds, which are produced by these organisms (natural products, secondary metabolites, metabolites of xenobiotics). The study is founded on the structure and synthesis of organic compounds with a focus on natural products, heterocycles, and other organic compounds, which are capable of modulating biological processes. Elucidation of the function of such compounds as parts of biological structures as well as that of their influence on biological processes and the possibility to modify this influence through structural changes are no less important. Bioorganic Chemistry thus serves as a link between Organic Chemistry and biomedical disciplines and partially overlaps with Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry. Bioorganic Chemistry is, however, more general than the latter two programs, which are primarily focused on the study and development of drugs, ie. a more limited subgroup of biologically active compounds.
Faculty of Humanities, Charles University
PhD in Longevity Studies
- Prague, Czech Republic
Full time
4 years
Blended, On-Campus
Longevity Studies enables a better understanding of the interfaces and challenges of prolongation of human life (longevity). It fosters further understanding and finding of appropriate answers and solutions of theoretical, applied, and ethical contexts of longevity. It reflects not only current demographic changes of population (such as gerontology), but also reflects the fact that nowadays people with severe disabilities, chronic illnesses and impairment live longer than ever before, and also that some other specific groups of our population have needs related to longevity. Longevity Studies offers an integrated study on the boarder of humanities, social, biomedical, and other mainly applied sciences. The course responds to needs of specialist analyses and solutions to problems related to longevity and demographic changes in society and in various fields of human life and activity. The PhD Longevity studies produces highly skilled and knowledgeable specialists in research, expertise, and transference of knowledge into practice. On the scientific level they are able to tackle problems related to the longevity of human life. They are aware, and able to use relevant scientific methods, to coordinate interdisciplinary teams. And furthermore, able to publish both scientific publications and materials for decision making at all levels and problems related to longevity.
Charles University Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Ph.D. in Kinanthropology
- Prague, Czech Republic
Full time
4 years
Blended, On-Campus
The study program is implemented within the scientific field of Kinanthropology. Research in Kinanthropology deals with the complex effects of intentional and spontaneous physical activity on the development of human personality in the bio-psycho-social context and conditions of the environment of physical education and sport, physiotherapy, health physical education, including their effective management. Kinanthropology, therefore, represents an interdisciplinary field requiring variability of the approach to solving research problems, in which a systemic approach with an accent on methodology has long been emphasized.
Charles University Faculty of Arts
Ph.D. in Philosophy
- Prague, Czech Republic
Full time, Part time
4 years
The graduate is a highly educated expert who has shown an ability to develop their knowledge in a creative way. The dissertation demonstrates an outstanding contribution in a specialisation chosen from a wide range of themes, including the history of ideas, practical and theoretical philosophy and topics in contemporary thinking. The graduate is equipped, in terms of knowledge, method and language skills, to do independent research in philosophy and social sciences. He/she can be employed as a researcher in social sciences, university teacher, editor or translator of expert publications, critic, commentator, or executive worker and analyst in state administration. The graduate has analytical and language skills applicable to a large scale of professions which need critical thinking, ranging from public agencies to private enterprises.
Charles University First Faculty of Medicine
PhD in Medical Psychology and Psychopathology
- Prague, Czech Republic
Full time
4 years
Blended, On-Campus
The doctoral study program Medical Psychology and Psychopathology is concerned with basic as well as applied research in the areas of biopsychosocial relations. The proposed studies open the possibility for interdisciplinary doctoral education not only for graduates of medical faculties but also for graduates of one-field studies of psychology at faculties of art as well as graduates in some allied fields. The field builds upon the rich tradition of education in psychological and psychiatric sciences at First Faculty of Medicine, represented by the work of founders of the field, such as Josef Riedel, Mihajlo Rostohar, and Vladimír Vondráček. The bias to the biopsychosocial paradigm of recent modern medicine (enriched with the ecologic, environmental dimension), in the aspect of its theoretical base, reflects the recent state of knowledge achieved by modern science in contemporary developed societies. The theoretical base of the study program includes the knowledge systems of theoretical psychological fields (developmental psychology, psychology of personality, etc.), but also that of applied fields, particularly clinical and medical ones. Psychiatry and behavioral sciences, in turn, represent a complex of scientific disciplines that are concerned with understanding human psychology and behavior. These include not only psychological but also genetic, biochemical, or physiological approaches and their interactions. Important is the possibility of use of this most recent knowledge in the care of the mentally as well as physically ill.
Charles University Faculty of Education
PhD in Education
- Prague, Czech Republic
Full time
4 years
Blended, On-Campus
Doctoral studies are conceived as a preparatory program for scholars and researchers whose creative endeavors contribute to the development of theory and research in the field of education sciences. The program aims preferably to enhance their relevant expertise, disseminate relevant research findings and trends in the field of education, and cultivate methodological competencies of doctoral students. The general focus of the study program offers students the chance to get acquainted more deeply with the pedagogical disciplines. The focal point of the doctoral study is a doctoral dissertation/thesis, defined as an original scholarly work whose findings enrich the respective field of study within the broader context of developing the discipline. Due to the nature and content of the study, the applicant may consult the theme, the structure of the project, and possibilities for its processing with potential supervisors of doctoral studies. Program without specialization.
Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University (FSV UK)
PhD in Sociology
- Prague, Czech Republic
Full time
4 years
Blended, On-Campus
The Ph.D. study program Sociology is focused on scientific inquiry, independent creative work, and deepening of theoretical knowledge. The aim of this program is to prepare the students for a scientific career and teaching in the field of basic and applied research.
Czech University of Life Sciences - Faculty of Economics and Management
PhD Sector Economics and Economics of Enterprises
- Praha-Suchdol, Czech Republic
Full time
4 years
It is supposed that the graduate masters the theoretical foundations of the study area, the basic methods of scientific work in the field of study and the basic forms of permanent collection of worldwide knowledge in the field of study for lifelong learning. Graduates are supposed to be able to design descriptive and normative economic models of economic processes at the macro and microeconomic level and collect relevant documents needed for their formalization. Furthermore, the ability of generalization of scientific knowledge into the form of economic laws is assumed together with their application in the interpretation of specific economic tasks to promote sustainable development.
University of Hradec Králové, Faculty of Science
PhD Chemistry Didactics
- Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic
Full time
Doctoral Study on Chemistry Didactics is the culmination of the three-tier university education. Is a targeted grounding in research activities focused on teaching and learning chemistry, which is based on deepening the knowledge of the chemistry didactics and of the relevant area of chemistry, pedagogy, psychology, computer science and other disciplines, to learn the methods of scientific work in the mentioned fields and will significantly contribute to a comprehensive improvement of the work of chemistry teachers at various levels of the education system, experts on curriculum creation and its evaluation in accordance with current scientific knowledge and research.
University of Hradec Králové, Philosophical Faculty
PhD in Philosophy
- Hradec Králové, Czech Republic
Full time
4 years
The Philosophical Faculty of the University of Hradec Králové offers a Ph.D. Degree which may be pursued in full-time study. The Ph.D. programme is designed for students who have obtained a Master´s Degree in Philosophy and related study disciplines.